(1960-1984) - Trivero (Vercelli) - Car park, garden, terrace and winter garden of the Ermenegildo Zegna woolen mill

Porcinai undertook numerous projects in Trivero (Vercelli) on commission for the Zegna family. These included the garden of the Villa Ca’ Gianin, the car park of the Ermenegildo Zegna woollen mill, the creation of the garden, terrace and winter garden on the roof of the building, the enhancement of certain stretches of the panoramic mountain road, the Panoramica Zegna, the landscaping of the mountain cemetery and the garden of the Villa “Il Roc”.
*Creation of the car park* After having created a flat area by dint of major movements of earth, the car park was created around the factory. Hedges were planted to screen it from view and trees to provide shade. *Creation of the garden, terrace and winter garden* On the roof of the woollen mill a winter garden was created to serve as a living room. Since the room has masonry walls without windows, which would command a view only of the factory buildings, the walls were covered with evergreen creepers, with seasonal flowering plants set beneath. The transparent roof open to the sky provides natural light.